Bahan Intervensi di YahooGroup

Salam rakan-rakan seperjuangan, saya dikhabarkan berita gembira, kalau ingin bahan semasa kursus intervensi di selesa Beach Resort minggu lepas, boleh join yahoogroups di
selain itu kita dapat berkongsi idea dan pendapat. Terima Kasih banyak-banyak untuk pembina yahoogroup. May God Bless U!. Gambar di atas sekitar kursus intervensi baru-baru ini.
Sedikit bahan daripada Dr Mohamed Suhaimi Mohamed Ali semasa intervensi...(hendak bahan sepenuhnya joinlah yahoogroup ye, saya dah link)
Ciri-ciri Penyelidikan Kualitatif

1.Mixed forest

2.Natural setting - involves fieldwork

3.Understanding the meaning people have constructed – how they make sense of their world and the experiences they have in the world – from informant’s perspectives (emic)

4.The researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and analysis

5.Employs in inductive research strategy – builds concepts, hypotheses and theories from details.
6.Focuses on process, meaning and understanding

7.The product is richly descriptive

Anda pilih yang mana?

1 comment:

  1. salam. ada tak gambar2 yang diambil semasa kursus, kalau boleh minta diupload kan supaya dapat dikongsi bersama. thanks...
